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Easy Vegan Tempeh Pho

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Aromatic vegetable broth bursting with flavor ladled over tender rice noodles, topped with pan-fried tempeh and a mixture of mushrooms and sliced Brussels sprouts seasoned with Hoisin sauce. So easy to make!


1 stick cinnamon

3 whole cloves

1/2 inch fresh ginger

3 cloves of garlic, smashed

2 stems of scallions, white portion

4 cups vegetable broth

2 tablespoons Braggs

1 tablespoon maple syrup

1/2 teaspoon red chile sauce

salt to taste

8 oz. box of brown rice noodles

1 8 oz. packet tempeh

8 oz. package of baby bella mushrooms

16 oz. bag of fresh Brussels sprouts

1 tablespoon Hoisin sauce


In a 3 or 4 quart pot, toast the cinnamon, cloves over medium heat until fragrant, include star anise if you’re using it. Add ginger, garlic, and scallions to pot, stir 30 to 40 seconds. Pour in broth, Braggs, syrup, and red chili sauce. Bring to a boil then lower heat and simmer for 30 minutes.

While broth simmers, soak the rice noodles in hot water until noodles are tender yet firm. Drain, rinse and set aside.

Prepare tempeh. Cut in half lengthwise and then into ½ inch pieces.

Heat a large skillet over medium heat. Once hot, drizzle in olive oil. Sauté tempeh for 3-4 minutes, turning on each side until browned. Remove from pan and set aside.

In the same skillet sauté mushrooms for one minute, adding more oil or water if needed.


Toss in Brussels sprouts and sauté 30 to 40 seconds. Add hoisin sauce to skillet, tossing to coat, sauté 30 seconds more, then remove skillet from heat.

Once broth is done, strain out the spices, ginger, garlic, and scallions by pouring through a fine colander or metal sieve. Pour back into pot, taste and season as needed and keep warm.

Place prepared noodles in bowls. Ladle (affiliate link) broth over noodles and add mushrooms, Brussels sprouts, and tempeh to bowl. Garnish and serve immediately.


Broth can be made and frozen for future use.