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4 Quick and Simple Avocado Toast Recipes

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Quick, simple, healthy, and oh-so-delicious! Enjoy avocado toast for breakfast, lunch, snack, or light dinner. Great any time of the day.



Avocado Mix - Egg Toast

2 to 3 avocados

juice of one lime or lemon

1/2 cup sliced grape tomatoes (optional)

1 1/2 tablespoon of fresh chopped cilantro

salt to taste

Avocado Mix - Fruit and Sweet Potato Toast

2 to 3 avocados

juice of one lime or lemon

1 1/2 tablespoon of fresh chopped mint

salt to taste

hearty bread for toasting

Fried Egg Toast

1 egg per person

avocado or olive oil cooking spray

fresh torn cilantro leaves

sriracha or salsa

Scrambled Egg Toast

2 eggs per person

avocado or olive oil spray

1 tablespoon unsweetened plain dairy free milk or water (can also use dairy milk)

1/3 cup crumbled queso fresco

freshly torn cilantro leaves

sriracha or salsa

Sweet Potato Avocado Toast

1 medium to large sweet potato

1/4 teaspoon each salt and pepper

1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg

1/3 cup crumbled blue cheese

1/3 cup roasted pecans


Sliced Fruit Avocado Toast

1 or 2 sliced peaches and nectarines or fruit of your choice

1/3 cup crumbled goat cheese

fresh mint leaves



Slice avocados in half, remove pit and scoop the flesh into a medium bowl. Drizzle avocado with lemon or lime juice. Add sliced tomatoes, salt and cilantro to bowl, mash together well combined or mixture is your desired consistency for savory toast. For sweet and fruity toast skip the tomatoes and cilantro and add freshly torn mint leaves instead.  Cover and set aside.

Toast bread, when ready spread with smashed avocado. While bread is toasting prepare toppings.

Fried Eggs

Heat 8-inch non-stick skillet over medium heat, when the skillet is hot to the touch spray with avocado or olive oil. Crack an egg into the skillet, cover with a lid and allow the egg to cook 1 and ½ minutes or until the yoke is cooked to your liking. Remove from skillet and place on top of avocado, sprinkle with chopped cilantro and drizzle with sriracha or salsa.

Scrambled Eggs

Heat 10-inch non-stick skillet over med-low heat, while the skillet is heating crack eggs into a medium bowl, add milk or water to eggs and whisk (affiliate link) vigorously. Add oil to skillet and swirl to ensure skillet is well coated.  Pour eggs into the skillet and do not stir. When edges are barely set gently pull eggs toward the center using a silicone spatula or wooden spoon. Allow the uncooked egg to fill area just pulled back. Continue this process gently pushing and folding eggs to form soft curds.  When uncooked eggs no longer fill the space pulled back, begin breaking up the scramble quickly turning uncooked areas to keep the scramble moving in the skillet. When eggs are no longer wet but still moist turn off the burner and remove skillet from burner and transfer eggs to the top of the avocado, sprinkle with crumbled queso fresco, chopped cilantro, and drizzle with sriracha or salsa.

Roasted Sweet Potatoes Rounds

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. While the oven is heating peel and slice potatoes into ¼-inch rounds and transfer to a bowl. Drizzle with oil and season with salt, pepper, and nutmeg, toss to coat. Transfer potatoes to a shallow baking pan and spread evenly. Place in oven and roast until fork tender 10 to 15 minutes.  Top avocado with sweet potatoes and sprinkle with crumbled blue cheese and roasted pecans. Drizzle with honey before serving.

Fruit Toppings

Slice peaches and nectarines or fruit of your choice. Top avocado with fruit, crumbled goat cheese, and chopped mint. Drizzle with honey before serving.